Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, “LOPDGDD”), the purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform interested parties who visit or use the SoundStorming platform (hereinafter, “Platform”) of the processing of their data. personal.

Who is the data controller?

The data controller for the processing of your personal data is SoundStorming, S.L., with NIF B-56706781 and address at calle del Romaní 11 in Cànoves i Samalús, 08445 Barcelona (hereinafter, “SoundStorming”).

You can also contact SoundStorming at the following email address

What type of personal data do we process and where have we obtained it from?

The processing of your data is necessary to give you access to the contents and/or functionalities of the Platform or, if you so require, to be able to send you the requested information or provide you with the services provided through it. In this regard, we maintain a firm commitment to processing your personal data legitimately and consistently in accordance with the principles and legal obligations established by current personal data protection regulations

The data we process is in relation to such forms or requests provided through the Platform and may also vary depending on the type of form or request in question. Without prejudice to the above, through the Platform, and its different forms/requests, different categories of personal data may be collected, although we will always ask you for appropriate, relevant and limited data to what is necessary with respect to the purposes of the processing (principle of data minimization):

  1. Identifying personal data: name, surname, image (optional).
  2. Personal contact information: personal telephone or mobile phone, email.
  3. Data about your preferences: genres and/or musical tastes, services that interest you, among other preferences and interests.

The personal data we process may come from the following sources:

  1. Personal data that you provide us directly, for example, through one of the forms enabled on our Platform, when you register as a user or when you contact us through any of our contact channels.
  2. Personal data that you provide to us indirectly when you register as a user on our Platform through one of your social media accounts that allow access and registration on the Platform.
  3. Data we collect through cookies and similar technologies when you visit the Platform, SoundStorming uses various technologies to collect and store information and this may include the use of cookies or similar technologies to identify your browser or device. You can obtain more information through our Cookies Policy.

For what purpose and legal basis do we process your personal data? And for how long is the data kept?

The personal data that you provide us will be processed for the purposes specifically stipulated in this privacy policy and, where appropriate, in the different data forms provided on the Platform. In this sense, the collection of data serves the following processing purposes:

  1. Enable you to browse our Platform, thereby allowing you access to the information and content provided therein. The lawful basis of the processing will be your consent expressed with a clearly affirmative action when deciding to access and browse the Platform and, as the case may be, the pursuit by us of our legitimate interest associated with the proper management, maintenance, development and evolution of the Platform, tools, network and associated information systems, allowing their correct functioning, functionalities, access to content and services, as well as the general security of all the above ends.
    In general, your data will be kept for this purpose for the time essential and necessary to enable correct navigation and use of our Platform and the content available through it to which you access.
  2. The management, processing, assistance and attention to possible requests, comments and/or queries that you make to us through any of our contact channels. The lawful basis of the processing will be your consent expressed with a clearly affirmative action when making said request, comment and/or query and, as the case may be, execution of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject or execution of the contractual relationship.
    In the event that you have given us your consent for this purpose, your data will be kept until you complete the management of your request, comment and/or query, or in any case, when you request the withdrawal of your consent, and will subsequently be duly blocked. during the periods resulting from the prescription of legal actions related to this processing. If this purpose is carried out based on the execution at your request of pre-contractual measures or is a consequence of the execution of a contract with us, your data will be kept for as long as necessary to give due satisfaction to such pre-contractual measures or the execution of the contract.
  3. Allow and manage your registration as a user on the Platform and the comprehensive management of your user account. The lawful basis is the execution of the contract between us by accepting the Terms and Conditions that govern our relationship, as well as your consent when you voluntarily provide additional personal information (for example, your profile photo or avatar).
  4. You can unsubscribe from the Platform whenever you wish by writing to us at [·] or through the channel enabled for this purpose on the Platform.
  5. The data will be kept until the end of your relationship with us by requesting the effective cancellation of registration as a user and will subsequently be duly blocked during the periods resulting from the prescription of legal actions related to this treatment.
  6. Enable and/or manage the contracting of the services provided through the Platform. The lawful basis is the execution of the relevant contract or the application of pre-contractual measures.
    The data will be kept for the periods necessary to give due satisfaction to the execution of the contract or the application of pre-contractual measures and will subsequently be duly blocked for the periods resulting from the prescription of legal actions related to this processing.
  7. If you expressly consent, to send you information of interest about events, promotions, advertising or offers of specific products or services. In this regard, we remind you that you can unsubscribe at any time through the enabled mechanism and/or by following the instructions available in the communication itself.
    In the event that you have given us your consent for this purpose, your data will be kept until you request the withdrawal of your consent and will subsequently be duly blocked during the periods derived from the prescription of legal actions related to this processing.
  8. Adopt and apply whatever security, technical and/or organizational measures are applicable with a focus on the risk existing at any given time, including anonymization, pseudonymization or encryption of personal data through our Platform. The lawful basis of the processing is the pursuit of our legitimate interest in guaranteeing the security of the Platform, the network and the associated information system (Recital 49 of the GDPR).
    In general, your data will be kept for this purpose for the time essential and necessary to enable correct navigation and use of our Platform and the content available through it to which you access.
  9. Apply techniques aimed at anonymizing your personal data in order to use them to improve and develop the Platform and other actions of interest to SoundStorming. It is important to keep in mind that once your personal data is anonymized and cannot be associated with you, current data protection regulations will not apply. The lawful basis for this processing is our legitimate interest in using anonymized information to improve our services and optimize the user experience, seeking alternative uses that allow us to offer a better service.
    Your personal data will be kept only for the time necessary to carry out the anonymization process. Once anonymized information has been obtained, personal data that is not associated or necessary for any other purpose will be deleted. The anonymized information, as it is not considered personal data, will be kept for as long as deemed appropriate.

To whom do we communicate your personal data?

Your personal data may be communicated to:

  1. Public administrations, Organizations and/or Competent Authorities and the relevant Security Forces and Bodies, in cases where there is a requirement, a legal obligation or we consider that there are sufficient indications and/or suspicions to be faced with an illegal act or criminal crime.
  2. Other users of the Platform (fans and artists), depending on the settings of your user profile.
  3. Third party providers who act and process your personal data on behalf of SoundStorming as data processors. The corresponding processing commission contract has been concluded with all our suppliers in accordance with personal data protection regulations. Likewise, when you make payment for a service offered on the Platform, the payment gateway provider will collect your personal data necessary to process the transaction. For these purposes, you must refer to its Privacy Policy.
    Additionally, we inform you that anonymized information, which cannot be associated with you and is not subject to data protection regulations, could be shared with third parties.

Are international transfers of your personal data carried out?

We inform you that, in general, there are no plans to make international transfers of your personal data, and SoundStorming will adopt the necessary measures and guarantees in this area in accordance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.

If they are carried out on any occasion, you will be informed of the transfer and it will be carried out, in any case, on the basis of the signature with said companies located outside the European Economic Area of ​​standard contractual clauses approved by the Commission. European Union for international transfers, or on the basis of the adoption of any of the other appropriate guarantees provided for in articles 44 to 50 GDPR.

What are your rights?

We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:

  1. Right of access:
    you have the right to check whether or not your personal data is being processed, and, if applicable, to receive a copy of it.

  2. Right to rectification:
    you have the right to obtain rectification of your personal data when it is inaccurate or to request that it be completed if it is incomplete.

  3. Right to deletion (or “right to be forgotten”):
    You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data in cases where your data is no longer required to carry out the purpose for which it was collected, when you withdraw your consent in cases where this is the legitimate basis of the processing, as long as you object and other reasons do not prevail, when your data is processed unlawfully or in cases where the deletion responds to compliance with a legal obligation. However, this right is not unlimited, so it may be feasible not to proceed with the deletion in certain circumstances.

  4. Right to object:
    you have the right to object at any time, in relation to your situation, to the processing of your personal data, so that we stop processing it for a specific purpose.

  5. Right of restriction:
    you have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data, with the suspension or conservation of your data, depending on the circumstances.

  6. Right to portability:
    you have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and interoperable format, as well as transmit it to another entity.

We inform you that SoundStorming does not make any automated decision-making regarding your personal data

Likewise, when the processing of personal data is based on your consent, remember that you can withdraw said consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

You can exercise your rights by email by sending a message to [•] or by post to the postal address indicated in section 1 of this privacy policy. We aim to help you whenever you wish to exercise your rights, although in some cases we may have legitimate reasons to reject your request.

We will consider your request and provide you with a response within one (1) month of receipt. However, we may have to extend this period by an additional two (2) months, in cases where this is necessary so that we can give you an adequate response (for example, if the request is complicated to manage and we need more time to do so) although, in any case, we will inform you about the reasons for said delay. If we decide not to take action on the request, we will also inform you of the reasons for not doing so.

If you do not agree with the decision, we make in relation to your request to exercise your rights or if you have any claim, you can lodge a complaint before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Additional information:

Privacy Policy Updates:
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the way we process personal data or to clarify certain information provided in this Privacy Policy. For this reason, we recommend periodically reviewing this Privacy Policy. However, we will notify you directly about any material changes to it or how we use your personal data, where we are required by law to do so.

Underage users: The Platform is aimed at users over 18 years of age, so its use by minors under that age is prohibited. If parents or legal representatives believe that their children or guardians have provided us with personal data without their consent, they can contact us by writing to

Last update: may 2024.